Division of Biology and Medicine
Office of Graduate Studies

Office of Graduate Studies

Our goal is to train the next generation of scientific leaders in biomedical research.

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The Office of Graduate Studies supports graduate students in the Division of Biology and Medicine through a variety of programs, including professional development, career exploration, mentorship training, ethics in research, support for fellowship application writing.
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We are looking for students who have a strong academic background, experience and a passion for research, a desire to make an impact in scientific investigation as well as a commitment to the principles of diversity and inclusion that are at the core of our Division.
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The Division of Biology & Medicine is dedicated to doing truly cutting-edge research that will have a strong impact in our community and world.
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Fostering Learning and Development for Biomedical Scholars

The Office of Graduate Studies works with The Division of Biology and Medicine's 7 PhD and 2 Masters Programs, their students, and faculty to provide support, resources, and training that help to enrich the graduate training experience within the Division of Biology & Medicine. Our goal is to train the next generation of scientific leaders in biomedical research by:

  • Providing Academic Advising and Administrative Leadership
  • Offering Professional and Career Development
  • Developing and Enhancing Mentor Partnerships
  • Leading Recruiting Efforts to Build Diverse Cohorts
  • Assisting Faculty with Grant Proposals for Training Impactful Scientists


PhD and Masters Students


Faculty Trainers


Faculty-Led Departments


PhD Programs


Masters Programs

Graduate Programs in BioMed

The Biomedical Engineering Program provides cutting-edge, interdisciplinary, graduate-level education at the interface of engineering, biology, and medicine.
Brown University’s two-year, on-campus master’s in biotechnology immerses students in the cutting-edge science and dynamic industry of biotech.
The Center for Computational Molecular Biology (CCMB) offers Ph.D. degrees in Computational Biology to train the next generation of scientists in the development, implementation, and application of analytical and computational methods to foundational questions in the biological and medical sciences.
The Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Graduate Program is intended for highly qualified students who plan to pursue a career that includes research in the fields of ecology and environmental science, organismal biology, and/or evolutionary biology.
The mission of the Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry Graduate Program (MCBGP) is to build and sustain an equitable and inclusive training environment in which a diverse group of PhD students will successfully gain quantitative, conceptual, technical, and professional skills that will allow them to conduct the rigorous and reproducible research demanded by interdisciplinary life science.
The Neuroscience graduate program provides an intensive, multidisciplinary education in neuroscience. Our core curriculum provides instruction about molecular, cellular, systems, cognitive, and translational neuroscience, and diseases of the nervous system. At all stages of instruction, we integrate skills that are essential for successful, independent research careers in neuroscience.
The Pathobiology program at Brown is interdisciplinary and devoted to defining and understanding mechanisms of disease through the application of molecular biological, biochemical, genetic and immunological methodologies. The program has four major research themes: toxicology and environmental pathology, immunology and infection, aging, and cancer biology.
The Therapeutic Sciences program offers students an intimate, congenial and collaborative learning environment that draws upon faculty experts from the life and physical science departments, as well as physician-scientists at affiliated hospitals. TSGP offers advanced training appropriate for academic and research careers with a focus on determining disease mechanisms and drug actions, and developing novel therapies.